Friday, June 4, 2010

Language and Literacy for Reggio Inspired Teachers

I attended a conference today regarding the development of language and literacy in young children. One of the teachers in attendance asked, "With all the books, videos, and ideas out there, how do you know what is right?" The instructor gave what I think is a great answer, "It depends on your culture." I was talking to her earlier and as teachers we deal with philosophies, regulations, licensing, personal beliefs, and the realities of working with many small children. I told her that you need to find your own philosophy, keep up with research, and fit within your school's parameters. There is no correct way to teach children, we have to take what we know about how children learn and do our best to help them.

I think that one of the most important things that I heard the man say today was, "Relax because if you're stressed you are going to stress out the child. He/she is learning less if you stress them out. I am relaxing because I want your child to learn." It's blunt but I think it's true children develop at different rates, the more we push them the harder it is. We learn best when we have an intrinsic desire to know. When we are interested we will learn and the same goes for children. All we can do is support them, provide the materials and follow their interests (their intrinsic desire to learn).

One discussion was the my baby can read videos and the presenters were very clear in their answer. Reading is the ability to comprehend that specific symbols when put together have a specific concrete meaning. The my baby can read video teaches children to memorize a symbol (word) and make a sound when they see that word. The children will then appear to read but have no understanding of the meaning behind the word or the letters in the word that can be complied to an infinite number of words and meanings. Furthermore I want to emphasize that language is about social interaction there is more to language and literacy that the ability to speak, read, and write. Children need to be able to communicate and understand others communication. Language and literacy develop best in the context of strong relationships. Repetitive social interactions with loving family and friends.

So don't rush your children, provide a loving, supporting, text rich environment with positive books, music, and language. Children are natural language learners so relax.

Also, if you have any questions regarding language and/or literacy with infants and toddlers please don't hesitate to ask, anyway I can help.

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